VPN for Mac 2.4 released on 5 January 2022.
Features and improvements
- Added the ability to activate subscription using one time MB code.
- Added the ability to generate one time MB code under app settings.
- Improved the activation flow experience.
Issues fixed
- MMAC-2966: Incorrect text displayed on VPN Configuration dialog box for Mac OS Monterey and BigSur.
- MMAC-3265: Incorrect color scheme for certain buttons on dark mode.
- MMAC-3265: Minor User Interface (UI) issues while navigating from dashboard to app settings.
- MMAC-3024: VPN toggle did not work properly after a connection issue.
- MMAC-3021: Performance issues in VPN while using certain messenger apps.
- MMAC-2983: Privacy app blocking itself from establishing a VPN connection when it's added to Connection Rules.