If you've forgotten your account password, use the Forgot password? feature to reset your password. Follow the steps below to reset your password on the account page.
- Go to your Account.
- Click Forgot password?
- Enter your email address.
- Click Send. A verification code is sent to your email address.
- Note: Check your spam/junk folder if you cannot find it in your inbox.
- Open the email and copy the verification code.
- In the Forgot your password? window, enter the verification code.
- Enter your new password.
- Note: Your password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special character (ex: !@#$%^)
- Confirm your new password.
- Check I'm not a robot.
- Click SAVE. The message You have successfully changed your password appears.
- Click Return to sign in to use your new password to sign in to your account.