Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit released on 15 November 2016.
New features
- Hardened and more secure API hooking framework.
- Added self-protection mechanisms.
- Added sandbox technique for Silverlight.
- Added Layer3 techniques against Macro exploits.
- Added Layer3 techniques against social engineering exploits.
- Added Java advanced configuration options for companies.
- Added dynamic configuration feature to manage conflicts.
- Added support for MS Play Ready.
- Changed balloon notification to off by default.
- Remove Run entry during uninstallation.
Stability/ issues fixed
- Fixed conflict with Symantec DLP.
- Fixed conflict with Chinese banking software.
- Fixed conflict with Office TabLoader.
- Fixed conflict with Kobil mIdentity software.
- Fixed false positive with Adobe and .NET modules.
- Fixed issue when adding invalid custom shield.