To use Malwarebytes Mobile Security v3 on a ChromeOS device, download and install the latest version from the Google Play Store app. To learn more about how Malwarebytes works on ChromeOS devices, see Malwarebytes features and limitations on ChromeOS.
NOTICE - Malwarebytes can only be downloaded from the Google Play Store app. It can't be downloaded from the Google Play website.
- Open the Google Play Store
app. Refer to Google's support article Install Android apps on your Chromebook if you do not see the Google Play Store app on your device.
- Search for Malwarebytes Mobile Security in the search bar.
- Click Install.
- Once Malwarebytes installation completes, click Open.
- The first time the app launches, Malwarebytes requests system permissions on your device. Follow the prompts on your screen to enable the permissions required.
Malwarebytes setup is now complete. If this is your first time installing Malwarebytes on your ChromeOS device, enjoy a free 7-day trial of the Premium features.
To activate a Malwarebytes subscription, refer to Activate Malwarebytes Premium on Chromebook device.