Sometimes you may need to update the email or name used in your Malwarebytes account, such as when you no longer have access to an old email address. You can update your name and email directly from the Overview page of your Malwarebytes account.
Change the name in your account
To edit your profile name:
- Sign in to your account.
- On the Overview page, scroll down to the Profile & Settings section.
- Click Update email address. A pop-up appears.
- Delete your old name from the Name field.
- Type your new name.
- Click Save to confirm your changes.
Change the email in your account
To edit your email address:
- Sign in to your account.
- On the Overview page, scroll down to the Profile & Settings section.
- Click Update email address. A pop-up appears.
- Delete your old email from the Email field.
- Type your new email address.
- Click Save to confirm your changes.