On the Personal Data Remover page of your Malwarebytes account, you can keep track of your profiles as they are removed from data broker sites. Profiles are like folders of information data brokers have about you. They can include emails, addresses, social media accounts, previous names, and legal records such as marriage licenses.
While Personal Data Remover does most of the work removing profiles for you, sometimes data broker sites do not allow third parties, like Malwarebytes, to remove profiles on your behalf. In those cases, you need to take action to remove the profiles yourself. To make it as easy as possible, Personal Data Remover tells you how to remove your data from these sites and how to make a single request to remove multiple profiles.
To start removing profiles:
- Sign into your account.
- Click Personal Data Remover in the side bar.
- In the table of scan results, click the Action required column.
- Click Opt out of [data broker site]. A pop up screen appears.
- In the Complete removal request pop up, follow the directions on screen to remove your profile from the data broker site.
- After you have followed the steps and completed the opt out request form, click Mark as done.
- If for some reason you can't complete the opt out request form, click Unable to opt out. We'll give you recommendations on what else you can do to try and remove your profile.